Thursday, September 20, 2012

Spassky Cave Church in Russia

On the banks of the Don River, in the picturesque Voronezh region of Russia lies one of the most fascinating tourist attractions this country has to offer - the Spassky Cave Church. It’s believed the first caves were dug into the cretaceous mounts of Kostomarovo before the adoption of Christianity in Russia. Hermit monks would use these austere cell-like spaces to hide from persecution, and it wasn’t until the 12th century that the first rock monastery was carved in the region. Because there is no any historical note, it is difficult to pinpoint the exact date the Spassky Cave Church appeared near the small Russian village of Kostomarovo, but it is now considered one of the most incredible monuments of ancient architecture...

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Strangest Bars in the world

Bar owners have always tried in all ways to attract a larger number of guests. Some believe that the key to success in the authentic decoration or program without equal anywhere. Many have succeeded in their intentions, and their pubs have become a great attraction for visitors, on the other hand, there are bars that have "missed the topic". Whatever the case, today can sip a drink in the hospital setting, the tree trunk, a spaceship, the toilet... The waiters were masked as librarians, nurses... In a pub in Birmingham just go fearless guests, as waiters and visitors for years claiming to be terrorized by the ghost who nipping them, and when is Halloween party he smashing bottles of wine, which he does not like! The Russian edition...

Friday, August 24, 2012

Spooky cemetery in Peru

The oldest cemetery in Peru has become a hit with tourists and locals. The Presbitero Maestro Cemetery was built between 1805 and 1808 on the former outskirts of Lima and was the first municipal cemetery in Latin America. This impressive and beautiful historical Sanctuary houses the final resting places of many historical important personalities, but is still in use. The neoclassical complex contains the largest collection of 19th century European marble sculptures in Latin America. It’s absolutely worth seeing! It was cold and dark, and people clutching lanterns in the moonlight gave a spooky cast to Peru's oldest cemetery, now Lima's oddball hit with locals and tourists. "It is scary. But we're into it," said a teenage girl clinging...

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